Success Stories
Interact Technology Partner Portal

Interact Technology Partner Portal

Spotlight on Partner: Interact Technology

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An Announcement

We are excited to announce a success story for our new partner marketing portal! As we are always looking for ways to increase partner engagement to help stimulate demand for our products, many of you know that we have set up a new partner portal through the ZINFI. The new portal provides partners with additional resources for managing marketing programs.

One of Barco’s partner resellers, London-based Interact Technology, began using the new Barco partner portal six months ago with high expectations. The partner wanted to use the portal to drive more traffic to the company website, increase SEO-based lead generation, produce marketing emails more efficiently and register more prospects for those emails.

Interact Technology began using the partner portal after a brief training session of about an hour. They had originally planned to reduce the frequency of their marketing emails from one per week to one every other week in order to focus on SEO, but managing campaigns from the partner portal was so efficient that they were able to maintain the original schedule without impacting other projects.

According to Interact Technology’s marketing manager, Peter Harris, the integration of the partner portal has gone “quite well.” The marketing manager cited improvements in organic SEO, which he says has undergone a “big increase…especially from Barco’s point of view.”

Campaign results were very encouraging, garnering a healthy mix of new and repeat customers. The marketing manager estimates website traffic is up around 40% since they began using the partner portal, with SEO-based links “up considerably.” And revenues are up as well, by 10%-20%.

The reseller expects “more of the same” from the partner portal in the next six months. “We are looking at doubling what we do through Barco” and carrying on with organic SEO, Harris noted. They will also investigate the possibility of using ZINFI teleprospecting services for a lead generation campaign in the coming months.

The reseller’s marketing manager says he was “really impressed” with the partner portal. “I’m pleased with what it can do. It will be helpful to us going forward.”

At a Glance

Interact Technology at a Glance

Founded: 2006
Headquarters : Fleet Street, London
Sector : Value-added reseller specializing in providing video communications, telephony and support solutions to a wide variety of markets.
15 employees, 5 actively involved in sales
$2 million in annual revenue
Website :


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