Best Practices Articles
3 Reasons Multi-Touch Marketing Is Mandatory for Successful Campaigns

3 Reasons Multi-Touch Marketing Is Mandatory for Successful Campaigns

Why is multi-touch marketing important? Customers today live in a complex buying world. They now have the option to buy in traditional brick-and-mortar stores as well as online, by phone, via social media and more. Making it easy for the customer to make a purchase has been taken to the next level. While this is great news for most consumers, it requires a new thought process in the world of marketing. In order to reinforce their company’s brand and message, marketers are now required to reach out to consumers in a variety of different ways at the same time. While most marketers these days are aware that they will need to communicate across a variety of channels, many forget that for maximum effectiveness they should be doing it all at same time. Below are some of the most prominent reasons why multi-touch marketing is no longer optional for successful campaigns.

  1. Your customers want a choice. In an age where digital marketing and integrated campaigns emphasize the importance of a good website, it is important to consider that your competitors are going to meet your prospects in a variety of different communication channels. Your website just isn’t enough. As a rule of thumb, you truly can’t afford not to be present in at least two spaces other than your website. While we all will spend time examining our organic and paid SEO, you should really consider that your website is just like the goal on a soccer field. While it is nice to have a goal to aim for, if you focus all of your efforts just on that you are leaving the rest of the field wide open. It’s is crucial to consider using complimentary methods of communication to get in front of your customers. If you don’t, someone else will….
  1. Multi-touch marketing increases the ROI of your campaign. Let’s face it. We all want our campaigns to “stick” with our consumers. There are a million ways that we, as marketers, can increase the likelihood of this happening, but one way is constantly overlooked: Just try squeezing the bottle of glue. While a marketer’s first attempts at multi-touch marketing communication may be awkward or slightly ineffective, over time the skills will improve. The point is to keep trying. Going back to the analogy of a soccer field, you can’t score until you get in the game and start leveraging the efforts of multiple players on the field.  Any new attempt at multi-touch marketing is going to increase your chance of success by exploring a new channel for reaching potential customers, and that automatically ups your likelihood of better campaign ROI.
  1. Buyers are naturally suspicious. Basic human psychology tells us that human beings like to minimize risk. The more familiar something is to them, the more likely they are to be less suspicious of it. While there is no “set” number of touches that ensures the conversion of a lead, we do know that multi-touch marketing is an easy way to help a prospect feel more familiar with a brand and its value proposition.

Gone are the days of 2D selling. Multi-touch marketing is now considered one of the most effective methods to increase brand awareness and ultimately bring in more sales. Over time and with practice, it’s a great way to find out which marketing techniques will ultimately yield the highest response. In a world where multi-touch marketing has become the norm, your next step may be to explore available tools and services to help you thrive and generate qualified leads of the highest value.

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