Best Practices Articles
Best PRM Software: The Ultimate Guide to Partner Relationship Management

Best PRM Software: The Ultimate Guide to Partner Relationship Management


Partner relationship management (PRM) software is essential for businesses that rely on partnerships to drive revenue growth and achieve their business goals. PRM software solutions help companies manage their partner relationships more effectively, automating processes, optimizing interactions, and providing valuable insights into partner performance.

Partner relationships are a critical component of modern business success. By collaborating with partners, businesses can expand their reach, access new markets, and create new revenue streams. However, managing partner relationships can be complex and challenging, requiring a strategic approach involving tracking and optimizing partner interactions.

PRM software tools can help businesses manage their partner relationships more effectively by automating processes, tracking performance, and optimizing communication. From partner recruitment to management, PRM software solutions can streamline processes, improve engagement, and drive better results.

G2 Crowd, a leading B2B software review platform, recently released a report on the best PRM software tools for 2024. In this report, G2 Crowd highlights the best PRM software solutions based on customer reviews, ratings, and satisfaction scores.

According to the G2 Crowd report, the best PRM software tools in 2024 included ZINFI, Impartner PRM, Allbound, Mindmatrix, PartnerStack, and Channeltivity. These tools offer a range of features and capabilities, including partner recruitment automation, onboarding modules, enablement tools, development resources, performance tracking, incentive management, and partner management capabilities.

ZINFI, in particular, is highlighted as a top-performing PRM software tool, offering a comprehensive suite of features and tools designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their partner relationships more effectively. With powerful tools and features, including partner recruitment automation, onboarding modules, enablement tools, development resources, performance tracking, incentive management, and partner management capabilities, ZINFI’s PRM software can help businesses streamline processes, optimize interactions, and drive revenue growth.

This article will explore the best PRM software tools highlighted in the G2 Crowd report. We will also discuss each tool’s key features and benefits and provide insights into how they can help businesses manage their partner relationships more effectively.

Let’s begin by describing seven core activities that PRM software tools can help businesses manage partner relationships more effectively.

  1. Partner Recruitment. Recruitment is a critical function of PRM software that helps businesses identify potential channel partners and evaluate their suitability for partnership. The best PRM software allows businesses to create partner profiles, track lead generation, and manage partner inquiries. These features help companies find the right partners quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources. With PRM software, businesses can track potential partners’ engagement, monitor their interactions with the company, and assess their likelihood of becoming valuable partners.
  2. Partner Onboarding. Onboarding is the next step after partner recruitment. PRM software streamlines this process by providing partners access to training materials, sales enablement tools, and other resources to get them up to speed quickly. Onboarding can be time-consuming, but the best PRM software can be streamlined and automated, ensuring partners are ready to start selling as soon as possible. The software enables businesses to create customized onboarding programs and track partners’ progress in real-time.
  3. Partner Enablement. Enablement is an ongoing process that involves providing partners with the tools and resources they need to succeed. The best PRM software makes it easy for businesses to offer partners a range of enablement tools, including marketing materials, product information, and training modules. These tools can help partners improve sales performance and build stronger customer relationships. By providing partners with the right resources, businesses can ensure they are maximizing revenue potential. Partner enablement is an essential aspect of PRM software that enables businesses to support and empower their partners.
  4. Partner Development. Partner development is another crucial function of the best PRM software that involves creating joint business plans, providing partners with access to market development funds, and collaborating on marketing campaigns. Partner development is critical for building long-term relationships and maximizing revenue potential. The best PRM software makes it easier for businesses to manage these partnerships, ensuring both parties are working towards mutual goals. By providing partners with opportunities for joint development, companies can help them grow their businesses and create more value for their customers.
  5. Partner Performance Monitoring. Performance monitoring is a crucial feature of PRM software that allows businesses to track partner performance metrics, such as sales revenue and lead generation, and identify areas for improvement. The best PRM software can also provide partners with performance dashboards to help them track their progress and identify areas for improvement. By monitoring partner performance, businesses can identify successful strategies and areas for improvement, leading to more successful partnerships. This feature enables companies to track the effectiveness of their partner programs and make data-driven decisions to optimize their channel sales strategies.
  6. Partner Incentives. Incentives are a critical component of any partner program. PRM software can help businesses manage incentive programs by automating reward calculations, tracking incentive accruals, and providing partners access to incentive dashboards. Incentives can motivate partners and encourage them to drive more revenue. The best PRM software makes it easier for businesses to manage these incentive programs, ensuring they are practical and efficient. With PRM software, companies can design and execute incentive programs that align with their partners’ goals and objectives.
  7. Partner Management. Finally, the best PRM software helps businesses manage their partner relationships. This includes tracking partner contact information, managing partner agreements, and providing partners with access to support resources. Partner management is essential for building strong, long-term relationships with partners. By using PRM software to manage these relationships, businesses can ensure they optimize revenue potential and maximize the value of these partnerships. The best PRM software enables enterprises to monitor partner interactions, manage communication channels, and collaborate with partners on various initiatives. This helps businesses stay organized and ensures that they are meeting their partners’ needs.

Top 10 PRM Software Platforms

Now that we have explored the functions of PRM software, let’s take a closer look at the top 10 best PRM software tools, according to the 2024 G2 Crowd report.
  1. ZINFI is an all-in-one PRM platform that offers a range of features, including partner recruitment, onboarding, enablement, and performance monitoring. It also includes advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to help businesses optimize their partner relationships. ZINFI’s all-in-one approach makes it an excellent choice for companies looking for a comprehensive PRM software solution.


    • Comprehensive all-in-one PRM platform
    • Offers partner recruitment, onboarding, enablement, and performance monitoring.
    • Includes advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.
    • Highly customizable


    • The Platform can be complex, requiring additional time and effort to set up.
ZINFI website
  1. Salesforce Partner Community is a PRM platform built on the Salesforce CRM system. It offers a range of features, including partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking, as well as advanced analytics and reporting capabilities. Salesforce Partner Community’s integration with Salesforce CRM makes it an excellent choice for businesses that already use Salesforce and want seamless integration with their partner management software.


    • Built on the Salesforce CRM system
    • Offers partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking
    • Includes advanced analytics and reporting capabilities
    • Seamless integration with Salesforce CRM


    • It may be pretty complex and expensive; unlikely to be suitable for businesses that do not use Salesforce CRM.
Salesforce Partner Community website
  1. Magentrix is a PRM solution that offers a range of features, including partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking. It also includes a partner portal that allows partners to access sales and marketing resources and a content management system for managing marketing materials. Magentrix’s focus on content management makes it an excellent choice for businesses that want to ensure their partners can access the latest marketing materials and product information.


    • Offers partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking
    • Includes a partner portal for easy access to sales and marketing resources
    • Includes a content management system for managing marketing materials


    • It may not be suitable for businesses that do not require a focus on content management.
Magentrix website
  1. Impartner is a cloud-based PRM solution that offers a range of features, including partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking. It also includes a partner portal that allows partners to access sales and marketing resources. Impartner’s focus on the partner portal makes it an excellent choice for businesses that want to provide their partners with a streamlined, user-friendly experience.


    • Cloud-based PRM solution
    • Offers partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking
    • Includes a partner portal for easy access to sales and marketing resources
    • Simple and user-friendly interface


    • The platform may be too primary for some businesses’ needs.
Impartner website
  1. PartnerStack is a leading PRM software designed to accelerate the growth of partner programs by automating and streamlining partner management processes. It offers robust tools for onboarding, tracking, and managing partner performance, ensuring businesses can build and maintain strong relationships with their partners. PartnerStack’s intuitive interface and comprehensive features make it a popular choice among businesses seeking to optimize their partner networks.


    • User-friendly interface
    • Strong automation capabilities
    • Effective partner tracking and performance analytics
    • Seamless integration with other business tools


    • Pricing can be high for small businesses
    • Some advanced features require a learning curve
PartnerStack website
  1. Impact provides a sophisticated PRM platform for managing all types of partnerships, including affiliates, influencers, and strategic business partners. Its comprehensive suite of tools covers the entire partnership lifecycle, from recruitment to optimization, ensuring businesses can maximize the value of their partner relationships. Impact’s data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions and enhance partner performance effectively.


    • Extensive partner management features
    • Strong analytics and reporting capabilities
    • Versatile support for different types of partnerships
    • Scalable for businesses of all sizes


    • Initial setup can be complex
    • Higher cost compared to some competitors
Impart website
  1. Mindmatrix offers an all-encompassing PRM solution to enhance partner engagement and sales enablement. It provides partners the resources they need to succeed, including marketing collateral, training modules, and automated sales processes. Mindmatrix's platform is designed to boost partner productivity and streamline collaboration, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to empower their partners with comprehensive support tools.


    • Comprehensive enablement resources
    • Strong focus on partner engagement
    • Effective sales and marketing automation
    • Customizable and scalable platform


    • Can be overwhelming for new users
    • Requires time to leverage all features fully
Mindmatrix website
  1. Zift Solutions is a robust PRM platform that integrates with leading CRM systems to provide a seamless partner management experience. It offers tools for partner recruitment, enablement, and performance tracking, ensuring businesses can maintain productive partner ecosystems. Zift Solutions stands out for its focus on driving partner sales and marketing success through streamlined, integrated processes.


    • Seamless integration with major CRMs
    • Comprehensive partner lifecycle management
    • Strong focus on driving partner sales
    • Advanced analytics and reporting


    • Higher cost for complete feature set
    • Integration setup can be complex
Zift Solutions website
  1. Channel Mechanics provides an innovative PRM platform to optimize channel partner programs through dynamic automation and real-time data insights. It enables businesses to manage and incentivize their partners effectively, ensuring high engagement and performance levels. Channel Mechanics’ flexible and scalable platform suits businesses looking to enhance their channel strategies with advanced technological support.


    • Dynamic automation capabilities
    • Real-time data insights and analytics
    • Flexible and scalable platform
    • Strong incentive management features


    • Can be pricey for smaller organizations
    • Advanced features may require training
Channel  Mechanics website
  1. Allbound is a PRM solution that offers a range of features, including partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking. It also includes a content management system that allows businesses to create and share marketing materials with partners. Allbound’s focus on content management makes it an excellent choice for businesses that want to ensure their partners have access to the latest marketing materials and product information.


    • Offers partner onboarding, enablement, and performance tracking
    • Includes a content management system for marketing materials
    • User-friendly interface


    • It may not be suitable for businesses with more complex PRM needs.
Allbound website


In conclusion, partner relationship management (PRM) software is crucial for businesses that rely on partnerships to drive revenue growth and achieve their business goals. PRM software solutions can help companies to streamline processes, improve engagement, and drive better results by automating processes, optimizing interactions, and providing valuable insights into partner performance.

While G2 Crowd is an essential reference for the best PRM software tools, it is also necessary to consider vendor websites as secondary sources. By exploring vendor websites, businesses can better understand each tool’s features, pricing, and capabilities and determine which tool best suits their unique needs and requirements.

PRM software solutions can help businesses manage their partner relationships more effectively, driving revenue growth and achieving their business goals. By exploring the best PRM software tools highlighted in the G2 Crowd report, including ZINFI, Impartner PRM, Allbound, Mindmatrix, PartnerStack, and Channeltivity, and considering vendor websites as secondary sources, businesses can choose the best PRM software tool for their unique needs and requirements, creating a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

For more information, please download best practices guidebook.

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